How To Get Off Someone's Phone Plan T Mobile
Kicking people out of my plan
I opened an account with three family members.
Two of them refuse to pay, and still owe an iphone 6s plus.
I want to know how would i go about kicking them out of the account? i dont care what happens to the iphone, i just want them out
thank you in advance guys
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level 1
Just restrict their access, aka block all texting, calling, and data, then repossess their phones. You can call a cop to oversee that process, don't worry about doing that that's what cops are there for, to enforce the law even in civil disputes. Doing that also prevents them from pulling any bullshit (like trying to claim you stole the phones from them) as a cop was there to witness the voluntary handover of the phones. After that see about finding someone else that could pay for those phones and lines as you pretty much have to pay off those EIPs.
level 2
Op · 4y Bleeding Magenta
alright i didnt want to make it such a big deal with the police involved. I just wanted to cancel the lines and get it over with.
level 1
If the account is in your name, you own their lines. The on line account manager can turn off or suspend their services. They cannot port out without your approval. Tell them unless they return or pay off the phones, you'll keep their numbers. Most people REALLY want to keep their old number.
level 1
Do one better, just turn off their service temporarily on the website. Wait for them to pay. This works better on 90% of people then just shutting them off. If they owe $60, get $120 and tell them the $60 is a deposit. They need to pay each month on time WITHOUT using their deposit until the iPhone 6s is paid off. CUT THEM OFF IF THEY ARE 3 DAYS LATE, every time and add to the deposit. They will pay on time. They will find the money.
level 1
· 4y Truth In Mobile
You are going to have to pay the rest of the their phone balances the month after you cancel their lines. Full balance becomes due. Other than that you just have to call or go into a tmobile store to get those lines shut off.
level 2
Op · 4y Bleeding Magenta
would reporting them as lost be cheaper? isnt it like 150 fee?
level 1
If you simply want to disable the phones, buy a SIM on Amazon and switch the line to it. Request cost of 2 months of service and iPhone payoff to get access to the SIM. Then give them a month to port out.
level 1
If the phones are not returned to you then you can report as stolen to police. If you have any sort of insurance it should cover the device EIP. If not its up to T-Mobile to stick you with the bill as the owner of the account
level 1
I was just answering a post above telling the person to never agree to be responsible for somebody else's cell phone bill unless it is your children or spouse. Shut the lines down and pay the bill when it comes. Consider it a "stupid tax" on your part.
You can take them to small claims court if you want to go through the trouble. See if they can blacklist the phones so they can't be used anymore
How To Get Off Someone's Phone Plan T Mobile
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